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ASH Integrated Services lol

Health and Safety Policy


Antony Grace, the Managing Director of ASH Integrated Services Ltd, regards the successful promotion of health and safety as a mutual objective for all engaged by the company, which must be actively pursued by management and employees at every level.

It is the policy of the company to conduct its undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all its employees whilst at work, and of any other persons not being in its direct employment who may be affected by its operations.  This is regardless of whether the work is undertaken at 2nd Floor Hindsford House, Printshop Lane, Atherton, M46 9BJon a project under the control of ASH Integrated Services Ltd when we are the Principal Contractor or on sites where we are sub-contractors.

ASH Integrated Services Ltd recognises that the health and safety of its employees is of paramount importance both in social and economic terms, and consequently the Managing Director freely accepts the responsibilities placed on him under law.  This responsibility is embodied in the Policy Statement, which shall be the basis of sound and safe practices used within the company.

Employees and others working or visiting the sites under our control will only be allowed to do so. Providing that they are prepared to conform to the principles and practices laid down in the Policy Statement.  Likewise, employees and others who have an association with the company are required to conform to any reasonable rule or practice imposed through statute or particular requirement of any site where the company is or is due to carry out work as a Principal Contractor or Sub-Contractor.

It is important that everyone related to ASH Integrated Services Ltd fully understands that any failure to comply with the contents of this policy could expose them as individuals and the company to potential criminal liability.  As such, any blatant or wilful disregard of the standards and arrangements set out in this policy could be viewed as gross misconduct and result in appropriate disciplinary action by the employer.


ASH Integrated Services Ltd and our employees recognise the legal obligations placed on them by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and of any other statutory provisions and health and safety regulations applying to our activities, with regards to:

  • Provision of adequate resources (money and time) to discharge our duties under health and safety


  • Ensuring the Safety of all employees, public and others


  • Provision of adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.


  • Provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health.


  • Consultation with our employees including sub-contractors we may engage on matters affecting their health and safety.


  • Provision and maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment with adequate welfare facilities and arrangements on projects under our control.


  • Ensuring that all employees are competent to do their tasks and give them adequate training.


  • Provision of maintenance of a safe means of access to and egress from all workplaces at our offices or on sites where we are the Principal Contractor.


  • Prevention of incidents resulting in personal injury, property damage and cases of work-related ill health.


  • The safety of; and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage, transportation and disposal of materials and substances.


  • Provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure that work may be carried out safely, either at 2 Monterey Close, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 8SB or on projects without risks to health.


  • Reviewing and revising this policy at regular intervals not exceeding 12 months.


Employees and sub-contractors have a duty to co-operate in the operation of this policy by fulfilling the responsibilities placed upon them.

As stated, the operations of the company and this policy will be reviewed at regular intervals or in light of changing company circumstances, procedures and legislation.  These changes will be brought to the attention of employees and others whose health and safety might be affected by such changes.

Next Review: 1st June 2023


The Managing Director of ASH Integrated Services Ltd, Managing Director, will make available adequate resources for the implementation and monitoring of ASH Integrated Services Ltd Health and Safety Policy and holds overall and final responsibility for health and safety at work.  He shall also be responsible for the establishment of structures through which safety matters can be dealt.

The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring this Health and Safety Policy is put into practice.  To help him to achieve the health and safety standards, and subsequently to maintain and improve them, he has the help of all employees including;

  • The External Safety Advisor
  • Administrators
  • Drivers
  • All Employees


All Employees must co-operate with supervisors and managers by;

  • Complying with all health, safety, environmental and quality matters,
  • Not interfering with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety,
  • Taking reasonable care of their own health and safety,
  • Reporting all health, safety, environmental and or quality concerns to the appropriate person.

3.1 Structure of Company Personnel – For effective health and safety management

Diagram showing the Structure of Company Personnel – For effective health and safety management

3.2 Managing Director

The Managing Director, Antony Grace, will initiate and administer the Health and Safety Policy.  He will make adequate provision of resources for the successful implementation of the health and safety management system, including finance, time, logistics and commitment.  He is to:

  • Set a personal example at all times.


  • Initiate ASH Integrated Services Ltd Health and Safety Policy for the prevention of injury and damage, and to set targets for the reduction of accident and incident rates.


  • Know the requirements of the relevant legislation and ensure they are observed whilst carrying out company activities.


  • Arrange for funds and facilities to meet the requirements of ASH Integrated Services Ltd Health and Safety Policy.


  • Ensure adequate insurance cover is in place at all times and as appropriate to the operation of ASH Integrated Services Ltd and our employees.


  • Ensure that all employees receive adequate and appropriate training to enable them to carry out their work safely.


  • Initiate proper reporting procedures in the event of injury, damage and loss, and to promote action to preclude re-occurrences.


  • Reprimand any employee (including sub-contractors) failing to discharge satisfactorily their responsibilities regarding health and safety.


  • Encourage the distribution of relevant safety information to all persons concerned.


  • Promote and maintain ASH Integrated Services Ltd on-going determination to improve its performance in health, safety and welfare.


  • Arrange for periodic audits of the health and safety management system through ASH Integrated Services Ltd independent safety advisors.


  • Discuss with the others in the ASH Integrated Services Ltd management structure, methods of preventing injury to any persons connected with ASH Integrated Services Ltd and possible improvements in existing working methods that effect health, safety and welfare.


  • Carry out risk assessments of any operations deemed necessary prior to commencement of work and communicate the finding to personnel involved.


  • Liaise with Senior Management in order to maintain safe working methods.


  • With the co-operation of the Client and Principal Contractor, lay down specific site rules.


  • Ensure, along with Courtley (Health and Safety) Ltd, that COSHH assessments are carried out on all new substances used on behalf of ASH Integrated Services Ltd, and the actions that are identified in these assessments will be implemented and monitored for effectiveness.


  • Arrange the storage of materials to avoid possible hazards.


  • Ensure that protective clothing and equipment is used correctly.


  • Check equipment used on behalf of ASH Integrated Services Ltd is in good condition and fit for purpose.


  • Ensure that all plant and equipment is suitable for the work it is intended for.


  • Check appropriate test certificates.


  • Ensure that any necessary training is provided prior to use.


  • Ensure first aid and emergency equipment that is required is available.


  • Report all accidents and incidents in line with company procedures and legal requirements.


  • Organise workstations / areas so that work is carried out to the required standard with minimum risk.


  • Ensure that personnel working for ASH Integrated Services Ltd keep the workplace well organised and tidy.


  • Accompany HM Inspectors of health and safety on any visits and arrange compliance with all recommendations made by them.

3.3 Safety Advisor

The external safety advisor provides the company with the following services:

  • Access to competent health and safety advice.


  • Advice and production of a workable company Health and Safety Policy.


  • A telephone advice line, answering any queries employees or directors may have regarding legislation.


  • Information services supplying continuous up dates and advice in respect to changes in health and safety legislation and procedures.


  • The availability of health, safety and welfare site inspections and reports.

3.4 Administration Staff

Although we might not consider the office environment to be as potentially hazardous as the other activities of ASH Integrated Services Ltd, the people who work here have an important role in ensuring the success of our safety management system.

There duties in respect to health and safety include the following:

  • Dress appropriately, particularly footwear. Make sure it is suitable for a working environment.  Consider the floor coverings, stairs and tasks such as carrying mail and stationery.


  • Not to use any faulty equipment and report any defects immediately to an office manager.


  • Ensure the following information is displayed in an appropriate location:
    • The Health and Safety Law Poster.
    • Action to take in the event of evacuation.
    • Current Employers and Public Liability Insurance Certificate.
    • Name of the First Aider and location of the first aid kit.


  • Ensure all access routs and doorways about the office areas are kept clear and free from obstruction.


  • Do not lift or carry anything that might be too heavy or awkward. This includes not over stretching to place or retrieve stock or materials from on top of high shelves or cupboards.


  • If appropriate, suggest ways of eliminating hazards and improving working methods to an office manager.


  • Warn new employees, particularly young people, of known hazards.


  • Keep records of the following in a safe and retrievable manner;


  1. Accident Book
  2. Employers and Public Liability Insurance Certificate
  3. Individual Training Records
  4. Risk Assessments
  5. COSHH Assessments
  6. Manual Handling
  7. Method Statements
  8. Scaffold Inspection Records
  9. Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Inspections
  10. Test Certificates of Plant and Equipment
  11. PPE Issue Register
  12. Inspection Register
  13. List of ‘Approved’ Suppliers

Keep for

  1. 7 years
  2. 40 years
  3. 10 years
  4. Until revised
  5. Until revised
  6. Until revised
  7. 3 years after end of job
  8. 3 years after end of job
  9. 3 years
  10. 3 years
  11. 3 years
  12. 3 years
  13. Ongoing

3.5 Drivers

It is the responsibility of all drivers of ASH Integrated Services Ltd company vehicles to ensure that the vehicles are road worthy. 

This includes:

  • Any defects found must be reported to the Manager responsible for authorising repairs.


  • All vehicles utilized on behalf of the company are to be visually inspected by the driver or operator prior to being used.


  • A Vehicle Users Form must be completed on a weekly basis and returned to the head office on a monthly basis.


  • Drivers are to observe the standards set out in the Highway Code while using ASH Integrated Services Ltd company vehicles.


  • Drivers are to inform their manager immediately in the event of them becoming unfit to drive.

3.6 Employees

In general, their personal responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974 are:

  • To take reasonable care of their own health and safety or any other person who might be affected by their acts or omissions whilst at work.


  • To co-operate with ASH Integrated Services Ltd in matters relating to health and safety at work.


  • Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.


To this end all employees will:


  • Work in a safe manner and refrain from horseplay.


  • Refrain from abusing the welfare facilities provided.


  • Observe all warning notices and instructions displayed on projects on other work areas and advise management if they do not understand them.


  • Use tools and equipment appropriate to the job and ensure that they are kept in good condition.


  • Make full and correct use of safety aids, appliances, equipment and protective clothing provided.


  • Report unsafe conditions and defects in plant or equipment as soon as they are observed.


  • Report any accident, unsafe or hazardous conditions to appropriate persons without delay.


  • Suggest ways of improving safety to ASH Integrated Services Ltd management when appropriate.


  • Not operate any item of plant unless they are competent and authorised to do so.


  • Not conduct any tasks that they feel they are not competent to carry out, or which involve unreasonably high risks.


  • Find out who the first aider is, where first aid is available and what to do in an emergency or if fire breaks out, at the earliest opportunity on sites.


4.1 Risk Assessments

Everyone at ASH Integrated Services Ltd is aware that there are risks to health and safety arising from work activities.  To help control these we formally assess risks arising from our activities.  We undertake and retain risk assessments as either generic that cover our routine working practices and would apply anywhere or specific to a more unusual task, activity or site.

Refer to Procedure 1 to make sure that both of these are performed using the risk assessment format in the appendices by a responsible person or team.

4.2 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

We accept that the activities of ASH Integrated Services Ltd will sometimes require our workers to come into contact with substances that can be hazardous to health.  It is important that our workers know what these are and how to control the risks presented by the substances.  Many of these will be identifiable through experience, common sense or deemed to be hazardous through legislation.  A responsible manager who has been suitably trained will carry out assessments on the potentially hazardous substances we encounter.  This will determine the control measures we need to employ to ensure the safe handling, use, storage, and disposal of the substances and of what to do in case of emergencies.  For most substances we encounter, a lot of the information we need for the assessment will come from manufacturers or supplier’s product and safety data sheets.

Refer to Procedure 2 for further information.  The format we use to carry out the assessment is in the appendices and a responsible manager should follow this format.

4.3 Manual Handling

We at ASH Integrated Services Ltd accept that our work requires people to lift and carry items.  We also understand that a significant number of personal injury incidents are attributable to such activities.  We will provide guidance as detailed in the appendices to all workers expected to carry out significant handling operations.   Where we cannot remove significant manual handling tasks we will try and use mechanical methods to reduce manual handling, if this is not possible, they will be assessed by a responsible manager using the manual handling assessment form included in the appendices.

Refer to procedure 3 for further information.

4.4 Safe Systems of Work

To achieve the standards that we have set out in our health and safety policy statement we have set out clear procedures, method statements or safe systems of work. 

Refer procedure 4 for further information

4.5 Purchase and Hiring Equipment

ASH Integrated Services Ltd will ensure that only suitable and safe equipment and machinery is purchased or hired.

Refer to procedure 5 for further information.

4.6 Health and Welfare Facilities

It is incumbent upon ASH Integrated Services Ltd to ensure all workers have access to suitable welfare facilities wherever they are engaged.  The company is aware it has an obligation, and we have a defined procedure detailing the requirements that will be adhered to.

Refer to procedure 6 for further information.

4.7 Information, Training, Supervision and Competency

We aim to ensure that every person who undertakes work on behalf of ASH Integrated Services Ltd is fully competent to carry out their work. 

We understand there is a need to train our employees on a regular basis to ensure that they are competent to fulfil their position within the company and to carry out work safely. 

On initial employment or following re-assignment ASH Integrated Services Ltd will give all new employees induction training. 

The Responsible Manager will identify further training with regard to experience and the task as identified.

Please see procedure 7 for further details.

4.8 Consultation / Communication with Employees

At ASH Integrated Services Ltd we are fully aware for the need to communicate at all levels.  Good communication provides a solid backbone in any management system. We have detailed the arrangements we set out in order to achieve regular consultation and communication with employees which includes the role of the Health & Safety Committee and requirements where non-English speaking workers may be affected by activities of ASH Integrated Services Ltd.

Refer to procedure 8 for further information

4.9 Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

The prolonged or inappropriate use of DSE can attribute to work related upper limb disorders (WRULD) or repetitive strain injury (RSI).  We will protect our employees who use such equipment for a significant part of their work from these effects as far as we reasonably can. 

Refer to procedure 9 for further information.

4.10 Plant and Equipment including Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

ASH Integrated Services Ltd understands that equipment will need inspecting from time to time and if identified by manufacturers, suppliers or others.  A register will be kept of all equipment to ensure that inspections are completed as recommended.

Refer to procedure 10 for further information.

4.11 Working at Height

Working is said to be ‘at height’ if a person could be injured falling from it, even if it is at or below ground level. ASH Integrated Services Ltd will strive to ensure, as far is as reasonably practicable, that employees working at height do so in a way that is safe and secure.

Refer to procedure 14 for further information.

4.12 Safe Use of Ladders

Ladders or stepladders will be chosen for working at height only if they are deemed to be the correct equipment for the task in hand.

If you are required to use this access equipment as part of your duty refer to procedure 15 for further information.

4.13 Mobile Tower Scaffolds

There are a number of prefabricated towers available that are used by ASH Integrated Services Ltd.  The manufacturer or hire company from where we have sourced the towers should provide an adequate instruction manual or erection guide for each particular type.

Refer to procedure 16 for further information.

4.14 Drivers of Cars and Vans & Responsibilities

ASH Integrated Services Ltd understands that it has a responsibility to purchase or hire suitable vehicles and they will need inspecting, servicing and maintenance from time to time in line with the recommendations of manufacturers. 

Employees that drive vehicles on behalf of ASH Integrated Services Ltd, whether owned or hired by the company or the driver must observe the Highway Code.

Refer to procedure 18 if your job role requires you to drive on company business.

4.15 Electricity

ASH Integrated Services Ltd knows that unlike most other hazards that can be seen felt or heard, there is no advance warning of danger of electricity.

Refer to procedure 20 for further information.

4.16 Asbestos

ASH Integrated Services Ltd recognises that work with asbestos and materials containing asbestos can be dangerous and that every precaution must be taken to ensure that anyone who may be affected by such work is protected.

Refer to procedure 22 for further information.

4.17 Vibration

Employees of ASH Integrated Services Ltd are expected to use plant and equipment that has the potential to cause damage to their health such as hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) or vibration white finger (VWF) which is also known as Reynaud’s Syndrome or whole-body vibration through the use of ride on equipment.  Workers who experience ‘pins and needles’ when using equipment or those who suffer with finger tips becoming pale with a loss of feeling usually set off during cold are to inform the Managing Director without delay.

Refer to procedure 23 for further information.

4.18 Mobile Phones and Satellite Navigation Systems

ASH Integrated Services Ltd will ensure that all operatives using Mobile Phones and/or Satellite Navigation Systems have read and understood procedure 24.

4.19 Young Persons

Where young persons, under the age of eighteen years, are employed a risk assessment will be conducted and it will take particular interest in the lack of experience, lack of awareness of risks and immaturity of the young person.  Risk assessments will focus on various hazards in relation to young persons.

Refer to procedure 25 for further information.

4.20 Visitors to Site

When the company endeavours that they will have visitors to sites they are working on, they will ensure that procedure 26 is followed.

4.21 Lone Workers

ASH Integrated Services Ltd will ensure prior to being requested that the worker is competent and able to work alone. In addition, all lone workers must be fit and healthy, and will undergo medical assessments on a regular basis.

If your job role requires lone working refer to procedure 28 for further information.

4.22 Protection of the Public

Areas open to members of the public will be inspected regularly to identify and remedy any failings in standards of housekeeping or safety.

Refer to procedure 29 for more information regarding open areas to the public.

4.23 Contractor Control

When ASH Integrated Services Ltd uses sub-contractors, they will work to the same standards as the people who are directly employed by the organisation.  The sub-contractors used will be either bona fide organisations or suppliers of labour only.     

Should any sub-contractor or employee of a sub-contractor have any concerns regarding health and safety performance on any ASH Integrated Services Ltd project they are to raise this with the Managing Director, he will then investigate and act appropriately on any concerns raised. 

Refer to procedure 30 for further information regarding contractor control.

4.24 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

ASH Integrated Services Ltd maintains a suitable stock of the various types of PPE used on behalf of the company.  This is to ensure the ready availability of the most commonly used equipment. 

Refer to procedure 31 for more information regarding PPE.

4.25 Respiratory Protection

ASH Integrated Services Ltd will ensure that all personnel are provided with the correct respiratory protection dependent upon the risk.

Refer to procedure 32 for further information.

4.26 Safety in the Sun

ASH Integrated Services Ltd is aware of the links between skin cancer and exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun. We will ensure that our operatives are provided with information and training to make them fully aware of the dangers. Operatives will be issued with advice on staying safe in the sun.

Refer to procedure 33 for more information.

4.27 Noise

All operations or work environments where ASH Integrated Services Ltd are engaged where there is the potential for excessive noise are to be considered and assessed to determine the level of risk.  We will consider the type and duration of the noise.

Refer to procedure 34 for more information on noise and its exposure.

4.28 Drugs and Alcohol

It is the responsibility of all ASH Integrated Services Ltd management and employees to ensure that the persons in their control are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol whilst in the workplace. Any employees who feel they, or a colleague are under the influence of drugs or alcohol must make this known to their manager at the earliest opportunity. 

Refer to procedure 35 for more information relating to drugs and alcohol. 

4.29 Dermatitis

Dermatitis is the result of a reaction between the skin and harmful substances that it comes into contact with.  The prevention is simple.  Ensure that contact with the harmful substance is avoided by using an alternative substance or protective clothing.  Good hygiene and barrier creams are also an effective means of prevention.

Refer to Procedure 36 for more information regarding substances you may come into contact with

4.30 Psittacosis

Where operatives might come into contact with birds or bird droppings, a risk assessment will be completed and will be discussed with all those on site by the Managing Director.

If you are at risk of coming into contact with the above, please refer to procedure 38.

4.31 Tetanus

ASH Integrated Services Ltd is aware that when breaking new ground, construction workers are at risk from organisms infecting wounds. 

Refer to procedure 39 for more information regarding to tetanus.

4.32 HIV or Hepatitis

Where refurbishment work is carried out in areas where there is knowledge or expectation of drug abuse there is likelihood that drug related paraphernalia might be discarded.

If your job role puts you at risk of being in areas of drug abuse refer to procedure 40 for more information regarding HIV or Hepatitis.

4.33 Smoke-free Policy including e-Cigs

It is the policy of ASH Integrated Services Ltd that all our workplaces are smoke-free, and all employees have a right to work in a smoke-free environment.  Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed and substantially enclosed premises in the workplace.

Refer to procedure 42 for more information.

4.34 First Aid

The first aid boxes are maintained inside each company vehicle.  One is also located in head office – 2 Monterey Close, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 8SB.

The nominated first aider should refer to procedure 51 for further information.

4.35 Incidents, Emergencies and Emergency Procedures

While ASH Integrated Services Ltd will make every effort to avoid incidents or emergencies we recognise that such events can occur.  We have set in place the following procedure for all incidents whether they result in injury, work related disease, property damage or are a near miss that has the potential for such a loss.  All employees should know the correct procedure for incidents and emergencies and reporting them. 

Refer to procedure 52 for further information.

4.36 Monitoring of Safety Performance

The conditions that we work in, affects our productivity and quality of work that we produce.  Therefore, ASH Integrated Services Ltd will ensure that working conditions and the environment are well organised and safe.

Refer to procedure 53 for further information.

4.37 Permits to work

A permit-to-work system is a formal recorded process used to control work which is identified as potentially hazardous. It is also a means of communication between site/installation management, plant supervisors and operators and those who carry out the hazardous work. 

Refer to procedure 55 for a more detailed understanding of Permits to Work.

4.38 Fire

ASH Integrated Services Ltd will ensure that 2 Monterey Close, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 8SB will have a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment, thus complying with the regulatory reform fire order.

All employees must refer to procedure 56 for further information.

4.39 Excavations and Buried Services

All excavation work will be under the direct supervision of a competent person.  They will take into consideration the variation of the nature of ground.  Some soil is like fine sand in that it flows easily, and other soils are like stiff clay and are more cohesive.

Refer to procedure 60 for more information on Excavations and Buried Services and ASH Integrated Services Ltd.’s responsibilities. 

4.40 Violence and Abuse

ASH Integrated Services Ltd is aware that violence and abuse is not acceptable in the workplace and will do their utmost to monitor and prevent violence occurring. 

Refer to procedure 61 for more information on reducing violence in the workplace.

4.41 CDM – Sub contractor

ASH Integrated Services Ltd are often engaged as Contractors as defined by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. As such, we are aware that under the regulations, we must co-operate with the Principal Contractor, and provide the Principal Contractor with any relevant information which might affect health and safety whilst on the project.

Refer to procedure 62 for more information.

4.42 CDM – Principal Contractor

ASH Integrated Services Ltd is often engaged as Principal Contractor as defined by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 and as such is in control of the construction phase of projects.

Refer to procedure 64 for more information.

4.43 Safe Use of Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWP’s)

All ASH Integrated Services Ltd employees that will use MEWP’s will be trained and familiar with the performance and controls of the MEWP are that they are going to use.

Refer to procedure 67 for further information if your job role requires you to use MEWP’s.

4.44 Safeguarding

ASH Integrated Services Ltd have set this arrangement in place as we are often engaged to carry out works in environments where there are children and other vulnerable people.

We understand that everybody has a responsibility when it comes to safeguarding.  We are committed to ensure that all people, specifically children and vulnerable people, who may be affected by our works and are kept safe.

If your job role involves working in environments where children and vulnerable people are present you should familiarise yourself with the safeguarding procedure 74.

4.45 Contaminated Sites

ASH Integrated Services Ltd is aware that in the future more and more work will be carried out on “brown field” sites, which in some cases have become contaminated by the residues from industrial activities. 

Refer to procedure 72 for further information if your work activity puts you at risk of being in a contaminated site.

4.46 Advice & Enforcement

  • ASH Integrated Services Ltd employs an external health and safety adviser. They are:

Courtley Health & Safety Ltd
5 Platinum Court
Alchemy Way
Knowsley, L33 7XN
Tel:  0151 545 0497
E-mail: [email protected]

  • Courtley Health & Safety Ltd has access to the Merseyside Occupational Health and Safety Group that is affiliated to RoSPA.

  • Access to the Merseyside and Cheshire Safety Group through the safety advisers.

  • Members of the Association of Project Safety.

  • Members of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.

  • The services of the HSE and EMAS are used.

Refer to procedure 79 for further information regarding advice and enforcement.

4.47 Working Time and Fatigue

ASH Integrated Services Ltd  understands that it has a responsibility and duties in relation to working time to avoid exhaustion or fatigue and will give employees enough breaks to make sure their health and safety isn’t at risk. 

Please refer to procedure 87 for further information.

4.48 Occupational Health

Everyone at ASH Integrated Services Ltd is aware that there are risks to health and safety arising from work activities.  To help control these we formally assess risks arising from our activities.  We undertake and retain Health Surveillance that cover our routine working practices and would apply anywhere or specific to a more unusual task, activity or site.

Please see procedure 88 for more information.

4.49 Mental Health

ASH Integrated Services Ltd  is committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of its employees, and recognises that we must treat mental health problems seriously. Identify issues and work with the employee to resolve them. We will support all staff faced with mental health issues. And strive to maintain a healthy environment that staff feel comfortable, safe, and happy to work in. Because of this, ASH Integrated Services Ltd acknowledges the importance of identifying and reducing issue that could be detrimental to our employee’s good mental health in the workplace.

Refer to procedure 89 for further information regarding Mental Health in the workplace and how to support staff.